Griffin Strength

Griffin Strength Common Conjugate

$25 / mo

4 Training / 3 Recovery Days

Dedicated training days to Upper Body, Lower Body, Heavy, and Slow. We will be utilizing multiple methods inside of every week and every workout. When we are not training you will need to recover. This is not the program you want to layer over another program.

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Get comfortable, then uncomfortable

We want to avoid accommodation, but we also believe that as our accessory movements get stronger than your main lifts will get stronger. Therefore we are always pushing to add incremental weight to each accessory movement throughout the 3 week wave. If we build up the parts, the whole gets stronger.

Get comfortable, then uncomfortable

We want to avoid accommodation, but we also believe that as our accessory movements get stronger than your main lifts will get stronger. Therefore we are always pushing to add incremental weight to each accessory movement throughout the 3 week wave. If we build up the parts, the whole gets stronger.

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Volume, Volume, Volume

A fancy way to say it is the "Repetition Method". Using submaximal weights for higher rep ranges and in some cases working to failure in order to not only build up the muscle, but also the ligaments/tendons while also building overall work capacity. We want you to LOOK strand and BE strong.

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Griffin Strength Common Conjugate

About the Training

The Griffin Strength Conjugate program is based off of a "Westside Barbell" template, but because there is only one Westside we use the term Conjugate. Yes, we know, Concurrent is also an option.

Session Duration:

60-90 minutes, 5 days:

-2 Max Effort Days Upper and Lower,

-2 Dynamic Effort Days Upper and Lower

-1 "Weakness" Day.

*2 Rest Days - You are welcome to be active, but use these to get outside and have fun. Sunday is always a rest day.

Training Goal: This template is designed to build maximal strength, explosive power, and muscle mass all within the same block of training rather than having a particular block dedicated to each individually.

Required Equipment

  • Power Rack

  • Drag Sled

  • Some kind of High/Low Pulley

  • Jump Box

  • Dumbells

  • Barbell

  • Sandbag (at least 50lbs)

  • GHD or Reverse Hyper

  • Full set of bands or chains (Accommodating Resistance)

Nice to have's

  • Belt Squat Machine

  • Deadlift Platform

  • Reverse Hyper or GHD

  • Power Rack

  • Drag Sled

  • Some kind of High/Low Pulley

  • Sandbag (at least 50lbs)

  • GHD or Reverse Hyper

  • Full set of bands or chains (Accommodating Resistance)

  • Jump Box

  • Dumbells

  • Barbell

Nice to have's

-Belt Squat Machine

-Deadlift Platform

-Reverse Hyper or GHD

Griffin Strength Common Conjugate


Access to your coaches

Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow

Programming 4 days per week

2 Strength Days - Upper/Lower 2 Speed Days - Upper/Lower Daily volume Meathead Conditioning

Exercise Video Guidance

Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy

Committed Teammates

A vibrant community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best

Mental Exercises

Structured mental training exercises to cultivate your inner strength

Detailed, expert instruction

Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow

Delivered through TrainHeroic

Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep

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Meet Your Coach

Mitchell Griffin - Griffin Strength Owner

Mitch Griffin

"I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications through the app when they’re ready"

Life is CHAIOTIC enough,

your "gym time" shouldn't' be. Hop on the team and take one thing off your plate.

The Proof

See the results of all the people who have decided to change their lives with our training programs.

And don't forget to Check Out the rest of our workout programs!

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